elgin marbles debate greek side – the elgin marbles

if the elgin marbles are part of their religion then I think they should be returned to Athens but England did buy it fair and square so there is a good argument for both sides Matthew said 0327,15 at 9:55 pm These are quite weird arguments England did not buy it fair and square – Lord Elgin had a permit only to make casts & take pieces of stone that had already fallen to the ground …

elgin marbles debate greek side - the elgin marbles

Elgin Marbles: A Debate of Ownership – Ancient Art

Should the Elgin Marbles Be Returned to Greece?

Great Britain vs Greece: The Debate of the Elgin Marbles Here we will be visiting Ancient Greece to explore the age-old debate of the Elgin Marbles which refers to multiple Classical Greek marble sculptures and architectural features taken from the Parthenon and Acropolis and now on display at the British Museum

The Parthenon: the Case of the Controversial “Elgin Marbles”

Some of the nation’s best legal minds presented a fascinating debate to determine if the Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Greece or remain at the British Museum, The Parthenon Marbles, also known as the Elgin Marbles, are half of the surviving statues that once decorated the exterior of the Parthenon, Between 1801 and 1803, Thomas Bruce, Lord Elgin and the British Ambassador to the …

A common counterargument that is often posed against the cultural heritage argument by supporters of keeping the Elgin Marbles in London is that the modern Greek people have almost nothing culturally in common with the ancient Greeks, so there is no reason why they should be allowed to claim the Elgin Marbles as part of their “cultural heritage,” This is usually followed up by a claim that the …

Elgin received permission to acquire the marbles from the Ottoman Empire who ruled Greece at the time, Once Greece retook control of their country, the debate over the statues began, One side of the argument believes the marbles should be returned to Greece while the other side asserts they should remain in London, From my research, most scholars believe the marbles should be returned,

The Trial of the Parthenon Marbles

Duel: should we return the Elgin marbles?

elgin marbles debate greek side

Elgin Marbles to Greece has captured the attention of the global community extending past the borders of Greece and Great Britain Greece Great Britain and the global community relate to and feel a connection to the Elgin Marbles leading them all to believe that they have a stack in the issue The debate over the Elgin Marbles illustrates the importance of these treasures not just

The Elgin Marbles: A Solution

There is a longstanding debate over whether the Elgin Marbles should be returned to Greece, When Lord Elgin removed the sculptures, Athens was …

The British Side of the Elgin Marble Debate, The acropolis in Athens was constructed 2,500 years ago during the Golden Age of Grecian history, Almost every Greek city …

Arguments for & against the return of the Elgin Marbles

The “Elgin marbles” are the most famous exhibit in the British Museum Also known as the Parthenon Sculptures they’re beautiful friezes that once adorned the Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens Lord Elgin removed them, Both Greece and the British Museum claim ownership, But who really owns these precious artifacts?

Elgin Marbles


Today much controversy surrounds the ownership ‘Elgin Marbles’ Both the British and Greeks argue that each have legal and moral claim over the Parliament’s marble adornments The British defend their ownership of the marbles based on Greece’s lack of an adequate museum and the fact that they paid for the pieces McGuigan 2 They further bolster their argument claiming that Western …

Explorez davantage

Elgin Marbles: the case for keeping www,futurelearn,com
Should the Elgin Marbles Be Returned to Greece? – Tales of talesoftimesforgotten,com
Why are the Elgin marbles so controversial – and www,telegraph,co,uk
The British Side of the Elgin Marble Debate by Madison medium,com
8 Elgin Marbles Facts: What Are They Why Are They wwwhistoryextra,com

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Elgin Marbles – Ancient Art

The British Side of the Elgin Marble Debate

Elgin Marbles & the Parthenon

Should we return the Elgin marbles? At the beginning of the 19th century, Thomas Bruce, Lord Elgin, was the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, which occupied Greece, He entered the Parthenon in Athens and documented the sculptures, making moulds and casts, He bribed Turkish officials to allow him to engage in daily excavations before removing…

A Game Changer? The Complexities of Cultural Heritage in

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The Elgin Marbles Debate Perhaps the most famous debate about the rights of ownership and patrimony surround a series of carved marbles from the Parthenon at Athens held since the nineteenth century in the British Museum in London Over the past decades, the Greek government has made a series of requests for the return of these objects, These repatriation demands include …

Great Britain vs Greece: The Debate of the Elgin Marbles

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